Sexual Offences



Out of print

Author : Thomas O'Malley
Publisher: Round Hall
Publication Date: 03/12/2013
ISBN: 9781858007151
Jurisdiction: Ireland

The second edition of Thomas O?Malley?s Sexual Offences has been completely rewritten and updated to take into account of the recent legislation and case law in this highly important area of our criminal law. Since the first edition was published in 1996, there have been many significant developments including laws on child trafficking and pornography and the revised law on sexual offences against children introduced in the wake of the Supreme Court decision in C.C v Ireland (2006). There has also been a great deal of case law on the prosecution, trial and punishment of sexual offences.

Key Features:
*Four major sections covering Context, Offences, Procedures and Sentencing
*Comprehensive analysis of law and practice relating to sex offences
*Highly practical and geared towards the needs of practitioners
*Covers key legislation and case law
*Strong comparative dimension

New to this Edition:
*New chapters on Child pornography, Human trafficking and sex tourism, Sexual harassment
*A greatly expanded section on Procedure dealing with all key elements of the trial process
*A greatly expanded section on Sentencing, including empirical analysis of sentencing for rape and child sexual abuse

About the Author:
Thomas O?Malley is a practising barrister and a Senior Lecturer in Law at NUI Galway

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